even though i took the camera with the intention of taking as many photos as i possibly could, i completely forgot for the majority of the time (apparently wool in large quantities plus way too little sleep causes me to be a bit blithery) and there for don't have any photos of Feltstudiouk's gorgeous stand or of me cuddling the adorably fluffy grey angora that the lady from bigwigs had brought (i didn't want to give it back, it was just so soft and unbelievably cute).
here are some of the photos i did manage to take
Freyalyns fibers
sallyinwale's knitting machine
Angora rabbits, so cute and totally unfazed by all the people
Lincoln long wool sheep
Love Patisserie's delicious berry and almond things (i got a bit overexcited and had a bit before i thought to take a photo)
so right, now I'm whacked (unsurprising considering we travelled 500 miles in total), surrounded by bags of beautiful fiber and very very happy. I cant wait for next year!