Saturday, 31 July 2010

Pour Passer Le Temps

Just a short post today, thought I'd show you all what I've been up to.

these two skeins are hopefully going to be knitted into a stripy pair of arm warmers as theyr so soft and lovely I couldnt bear to part with them.

As I haven't been feeling very well I decided to treat myself and test out some of  JazzTurtles new fibre, I mixed it up with a load of other stuff from my blending box and these beauties are the result.

As you can see I've been keeping busy. The bag will soon be done as well, I found some beautiful batik dyed cloth in the local fabric shop and have used it to line the inside, all i need to do now is spin a nice chunky 4-ply for a strap and then sow it all together.

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Rock Bottom

Having hit rock bottom energy wise I am now attempting to climb out of the hole created by catching some sort of bug (species unknown) which has caused me to sleep almost nonstop for the last 4 days. other than that i have zero symptoms , not even the sniffles, so there does seem to be an upside.
I have finally started a knitting project that has been on the cards for quite some while now, a knitted bag. right now its still unsown as I'm going to get some material to line it with, and hopefully a catch, later in the week. I used a lovely hotchpotch batt which i spun into a chunky single for the project and it looks so good, now all i have to do is make up my mind about how i want the strap (I like my bags to be hands free, less hassle that way) and it'll be sorted.
there are also some beautiful yarns in the works so expect, I just need to set the twist and then i can photograph them.

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

After the Rain

I have officially fallen off the band wagon with the spin-a-thon, I've been at it a little (which does count I suppose) but the enthusiasm just isn’t there right now. but today the sun is shining (which is nice as recently we’ve been having that much needed rain, and when it rains in Cornwall it really goes for it) and I’m going to get out and have a good walk which should cheer me up no end.
The knitting is coming along as well, though its still at the uninspiring stage, cant wait till it actually looks more like a hat and a little less like an amorphous mess. But in the spirit of optimism I’ve included a photo for everyone to enjoy.

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Yarn Alert!

OK, I've finally managed to get everything together and have been spinning and carding like mad, so far I've got all these goodies lined up...
Hotchpotch minibatts,
Tree Nymph Batts,
Punk rock hand spun,
Tree Nymph hand pulled roving,
Hellebore hand spun Falkland,
Candyfloss carnival hand spun...

 Enjoy everyone!

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Batt Bananza

I've just remembered that Monday is booked solid, so I've had to move the up date further into the week (possibly wed, have to see how it goes). therefore sit back and enjoy this alternative program of Eye candy instead.
 Ive finally finished my mammoth batt card (1kg of fibre!) so have lots of lovely goodies to share. I'm not going to show you everything, as most of it will be in the update and i don't want to spoil the surprise for everyone, but hopefully there will be plenty to drool over.
I made a massive 7 of these batts, which I've decided to call Tree Nymph. I'm also going to pull a couple into roving, which is always lovely to spin.
these are a new idea I had this morning (yes, they are that fresh), HotchPotch minibatts! great fun, never the same twice
this is something i spun for the tour de fleece, I was intending to include it in the update, but i just cant bear to do that, it breaks my heart too much. so I'm going to keep it instead, even though i have absolutely no idea what I'm going to do with it.  
this skein just screams Punk Rock, its got tons of attitude and goodies hidden in it.
the first of the Candyfloss Carnival batts, so lovely and soft.
Tree Nymph minibatts, very pretty.

Anyway, hope your all looking forward with anticipation now I've whetted your appetites, as there's more to come very very soon. 

Saturday, 10 July 2010

Yarn Dreaming

I've been spinning like a daemon, well, except for yesterday where i got slightly caught up in carding some beautiful batts. I usually name my yarns after the blend, so the first is called candyfloss carnival. I haven't named the second one yet, I usually don't name hotchpotch batts, but this one is so special i think it deserved one...have to have a hard think and see if i can come up with something appropriate.

tdf day two
I've also started the knitting project with the the green yarn (subsequently decided to name it sea green), no pictures as yet though as its at the visually uninspiring stage. I feel a bit like I've jumped in at the deep end. previously all I've ever knitted are scarves, and the typical plain all the way down variety at that. this is a hat on DPN's and I've also had to learn to cast on, which was rather intimidating to say the least. haven't quite got the hang of the juggling you have to do to knit with 3 needle's in your hand at once, its trickier than it looks. anyway, hopefully it will be far enough along soon that i can take a couple of pictures to share with everyone. hopefully it wont drive me nuts before then (this is my first attempt at actually enjoying knitting, so far its going quite well as i haven't thrown it across the room yet),hopefully this will continue.

Sunday, 4 July 2010

The Big Announcement

as promised, you lot get a first peak before I start posting it all on the Forums.

Have fun everyone.

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Being Brave

Ive been at the drum carder again, having fun with the lovely hand dyed merino fleece that i was saving for a special occasion (well, until i was brave enough to put it through anyway).
Desert Sun. isn't it lovely, makes me want to go on a long Holiday somewhere hot. A friend of mine goes to Dubai once a year and when he comes back he always paints these amazing golds and cinnamon's and bright intense blues, maybe I'll one day go there and experience all those beautiful colours he loves so for myself.

this batt was so pretty i decided it deserved two pictures.

Today it the beginning of the Tour De France and (for those of us on Ravlery anyway) that means the beginning of the Tour de fleece challenge, which may possibly be my favourite spin-a-thon. I've been rummaging through my stash of fiber to come up with some beautiful fiber to spin, so expect an influx of lovely new yarns in the next few weeks. like this lovely falkland number (freshly spun today)